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A strong region

Location: Northeast from Berlin and Brandenburg and south of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, to the east is the river Oder and Poland and to the west is the Havelland and the rest of Western Europe.

Area: 1495 km², of this 52% is forest and lakes or rivers

Inhabitants: 184.000 (Count from 2020)

Regional Capital: Eberswalde: 40.000 Inhabitants (Count from 2020)


Motorway: A 10 Berliner Ring und A 11 Berlin-Szczecin

Main roads: B 2 Berlin-Bernau by Berlin –Eberswalde -Schwedt, B109 Berlin-Stralsund, B 158 Berlin-Bad Freienwalde -Poland, B 167 Frankfurt (Oder) -Eberswalde-Neuruppin, B 273 Wandlitz –Oranienburg -Nauen

Railway network: Berlin- Bernau by Berlin-Eberswalde to Stralsund and Szczecin in Poland

Waterways: Oder -Havel Canal

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