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Historical dates

1605 Saw the beginning of work on the oldest man made waterway in Germany, the Finow canal.

1830 Eberswalde established the first academy for forestry and became the centre of the Prussian wood industry.

1842 Opening of the rail link between Berlin-Bernau-Eberswalde.

19 century. Eberswalde with its foundries, forges, rolling mills, smelting plants and brass workshops became known as the “Wuppertal of the Maerkische region”.

1910 Witnessed the first radio broadcast from the experimental radio station at Eberswalde

1934 Commissioning of the (at that time) largest German ships lifting facility at Niederfinow (lower Finow canal)

1956 Werner Forßmann who was at one time a doctor at the Eberswalde hospital, received the Nobel Prize for medicine for the development of the heart catheter.

2006 Start of the work on the new and largest ships lifting facility in Europe at Niederfinow.

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